LINKS April 1, 2011


Canadian man arrested in Maine after bogus detonator threat made on bus [AP]

US Border patrol report [The Northern Light - WA]

Israeli traveler humiliated in Germany, Canada []


High on the job: Ambassador Doer thrives on the adrenaline rush [Winnipeg Free Press]

Practical politics at work [Winnipeg Free Press]


Harper talks trade, but is this just an outreach exercise? [Globe and Mail]


Court documents link second polygamous leaders to cross-border marriages [CP]


No Canadian boots on the ground in Libya, Harper vows [Postmedia News]

Gates says other nations can arm Libyan rebels [NY Times]

NATO warns rebels against attacking civilians [NY Times]

Lawmakers batter Gates on Libya [Washington Post]


100 US landowners tell Clinton Keystone XL pipeline too risky []

Former State Dept. envoy backs Keystone pipeline [Reuters]

Republicans make ‘urgent case’ for TransCanada’s Keystone [Globe and Mail]

Republicans press Obama to approve oil sands pipeline [Postmedia News]

Republicans make ‘urgent case’ for Canadian oil [CP]

Pembina: tough but fair regulations would drive oil sands regulation [Petroleum Economist]

Indigenous activists fight building massive pipelines from tar sands through US []

Enbridge pushes for political support of oil sands pipeline [Globe and Mail]

Alberta oil sands ‘greening’ good news for Ontario [Edmonton Journal]

Layton would slash oilsands subsidies [CBC]

Okla Commissioners to discuss Cushing oil suppply [COKO TV - Oklahoma City]

The Koch brothers come to Canada to promote their oil sands interests []


On Twitter at luizachsavage


LINKS March 31, 2011


Stranded in the US while trying to get into the US [Grand Forks Herald]

Minister defends anti-smuggling ad Tamil group deems ‘xenophobic’ [Postmedia News]


New allegations surface of FLDS underage marriages [Salt Lake Tribune]


Economist Jeff Rubin predicts $1.20 Canuck buck []

Nordstrom, J. Crew coming to Canada [CTV]

Wal-Mart launches Canada supercenter ‘onslaught‘ [Reuters]


Little talk on the hustings of Canada’s role in Libya [Globe and Mail]

Libyan air-war costs could reach $1 billion for US; Canada mum on CF-18 pricetag [CP]

Canadian Forces test new Arctic search and rescue force [CP]


Imperial to ‘revisit’ foreign input into oil sands (after protests against megaloads) [Edmonton Journal]

Obama oil plan buoys Alberta [Postmedia News]

Obama says Canada a “partner” in US plans to make itself less dependent on oil [CP]

Obama seeks to cut oil imports but says Canada ‘important’ source [Postmedia News]

Can we do without the Mideast? [NY Times]

Boosting oil sands exports takes time, expert says [Toronto Star]

Obama targets cuts in US oil imports [Globe and Mail]

Transport of oil from tar sands fuels debate [mother nature network]

LINKS March 29, 2011

March 29, 2011
By Luiza Ch. Savage

Updated 4:05 pm EST


With Cannon on the hustings, Canada sends civil servant to Libya talks [Globe and Mail]

Clinton meets allies as NATO jets enable Libyan rebel gains [Bloomberg]


Obama tethers American iPad to Canadian BlackBerry [AppleInsider]

Netflix broadens Canadian movie turf [Financial Post]


Canadian polygamy trial weighs religious rights [Reuters]

Two Canadians charged in gun smuggling case [Billings Gazette - Montana]

Canadian woman who bilked the elderly to be sentenced in Los Angeles [LA Times]


Transition from US led force to NATO command is complex [AP]

Alberts: Why Americans need not fear Canadian general in Libya [The Elephant]

Canada moving into role as leader overseas [Postmedia News]

NATO commander: mission is to protect civilians [AP]

Canadian soldier, 24, killed in Afghanistan [CTV]


Alaska House urges stronger Arctic collaboration with provinces, territories [Fairbanks Daily News - Miner]

Military sovereignty exercise: speeding up response time [Northern News Services]

Arctic sovereignty author wins foreign affairs writing prize [Toronto Star]


As Canadian oil moves south, Americans push back [NPR]

Liepert: Alberta supports a national energy strategy [Calgary Herald]

Deal between Metis community, oil firm, a turning point [Financial Post]

Europe moves closer to oil sands band [Tyee]

Tar sands emissions will be identified in green fuel law [GreenBusiness]

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Canada, Canadian, USA, US, U.S., United States, Luiza Savage, Luiza Ch. Savage, Bilateral, Bilateralist, NAFTA, NORAD, border, trade, Ottawa, Washington, oil sands, tar sands, Harper, Obama, Maclean's, Gary Mar, Gary Doer, David Jacobson, Canadian Embassy, perimeter security, North American Union, Keystone XL, diplomacy, foreign policy, northern border, Canadian border, cross-border, Candice Miller, Chris Sands