LINKS April 20, 2011


Remove labour mobility barriers in North America, say groups [Canadian HR Reporter]

Woman hoping to regain baby wins one battle [Ottawa Citizen]

Bill Ayers again excluded from Canada [Inside Higher Ed]


Gary Mar’s favourite places in Washington, DC [Calgary Herald]

Why PJ Crowley went rogue [Politico]


Stabenow seeks big hikes in fees on Canadian trash [Detroit Free Press]

The pros and cons of buying a car in the US [Metro News]

Canada reviews expiring dumping duties on hot-rolled steel []

Canada Wheat Board v US []


US is losing a savvy leader in Afghan war effort [Washington Post]

Canadian trainers expected to land in three Afghan cities: envoy [Embassy mag]

Libya says Gaddafi’s role negotiable [Washington Post]

Officials: US to give Libyan rebels non-lethal aid [AP]

France and Italy will also send advisers to Libya rebels [NY Times]




Wilkins: Obama not slick on Canadian oil sands [QMI]

Keystone XL pipeline eminent domain lawsuits filed in South Dakota rise to nearly a dozen [AP]

Landowners, TransCanada clash over pipeline work [Billings Gazette - Montana]

Land lawsuits rise for pipeline [Argus Leader - Sioux Falls, SD]

Weaning ourselves off of  oil sands with sustainable transportation [Minnesota Daily]

Critics: State Dept’s latest oil pipeline review ‘superficial’ [Solve Climate News]

Image of oil-covered bird in Liberal campaign ad renews battle over oil sands growth [Calgary Herald]

President blocking oil pipeline [Post-Journal - Jamestown, NY]

Liepert: Athabasca plan is based on consultation [Calgary Herald]

Leaders’ knowledge dominates oil sands dialogue: report [Fort McMurray Today]


On Twitter at luizachsavage

LINKS April 19, 2011


Border delays cost Canada $30 billion a year [Globe and Mail]

Border delay prompts 911 call [Chilliwack Progress - BC]

Mich. official big on new bridge — ‘I do believe it will happen,’ says Lt. Gov [Windsor Star]

Sen. Schumer to border patrol: delays in Canadian trains hurting upstate business [Empire State News - NY]

Schlafly: Moving toward a North American Union [The Moral Liberal]


He’s done working for Obama. Now he may challenge him for the presidency. [NY Times]


Beating the cross-border tax rap []

The two economic strikes working against Canada [The Gazette - Montreal]

Canada and US similar on debt, but only one faces credit rating warning [CP]

Geithner tries to reassure investors on US credit [NY Times]

What’s the debt ceiling? And why is everyone in Washington  talking about it? [Washington Post]

If you’re considering doing business in Canada, pay attention to taxes [Maine Biz]


Americans pick up on some of the quirks of the Canadian election campaign [Canada Politics]


Talks on US presence in Afghanistan after pullout unnerve region [NY Times]

Taliban targets defense ministry, 2 killed in suicide attack [Washington Post]

Libya vows to fight any foreign troops on its soil, rebuffs EU proposal [Washington Post]


New roadblock for Imperial [Calgary Herald]

New tar sands land use plan is mainly a PR ploy []

Montana judge allows Exxon test module to proceed, stops construction of big rig turnouts [Billings Gazette]

Judge stops construction of big rig turnouts in Montana [Missoulian]

Roadblocks stymie massive oil sands load [CBC]

The Court and global warming [NY Times]

May tells Albertans: You’re greener than you think [Edmonton Journal]

Welcome to the era of ‘extreme energy‘ [CNN]

Alberta’s oil ‘matriarch’ takes trouble in stride [CNN]

RBS oil sands investments ‘not sound’, say greens [The Guardian - UK]

Letter: Pipeline will help cause of energy security [Gainesville Sun - FL]

Canada must defend oil brand [Winnipeg Free Press]


On Twitter at luizachsavage

LINKS April 14, 2011

April 14, 2011
By Luiza Ch. Savage


Rep. Miller urges more booths at Blue Water Bridge crossing [Times Herald - Port Huron, MI]

Kinder Surprise an unkind surprise at border [Calgary Herald]


Loonie hinders Canadian firms [WSJ]

High-flying loonie can’t hold rate-hike back [Globe and Mail]

Survey shows importance of Canadian visitor to northern NY economy []


Canadian jets fly nearly 100 mission in Libya [Postmedia News]

Opening of Afghan school a small but important victory [Postmedia News]

Pentagon says it has kept up some strikes on Libya [NY Times]

French, British leaders meet about West’s role in Libya [Washington Post]

NATO steps up airstrikes around besieged Libyan city of Misurata [Washington Post]


US government to review plans to develop oil shale, tar sands [Reuters]

No work in oil patch yet, but you’re hired [Globe and Mail]

Lawmaker: Canadian oil sands are important to America [Examiner - Independence, Missouri]

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Canada, Canadian, USA, US, U.S., United States, Luiza Savage, Luiza Ch. Savage, Bilateral, Bilateralist, NAFTA, NORAD, border, trade, Ottawa, Washington, oil sands, tar sands, Harper, Obama, Maclean's, Gary Mar, Gary Doer, David Jacobson, Canadian Embassy, perimeter security, North American Union, Keystone XL, diplomacy, foreign policy, northern border, Canadian border, cross-border, Candice Miller, Chris Sands