LINKS Jan. 8, 2012


Hillary Clinton’s coworkers welcome her back with a helmet [Mashable]

Clinton to testify on the Hill [ABC]


US spent $18 billion on immigration enforcement last year [NY Times]

Guns, $7 million in Iraqi currency seized at border [Postmedia]

Border patrol agents accost photojournalist at protest [Watertown Daily News]


US and China leave feeble Europe in their wake [Reuters]

Baird says promotion of trade is crucial [Postmedia]

NAFTA surface trade jumps 7.9% [CCJ]

Press conference: next gen trade agreements jeopardize fisheries regulation [newswire,ca]


Obama defends Hagel as Defense pick [NY Times]

Tom Ridge supports Hagel [Politico]

Gay groups divided on Hagel [Politico]

Why Obama picked Hagel [Politico]

US legal officials split on how to prosecute terrorism detainees [NY Times]

Hints of Syrian chemical push set off global effort to stop it [NY Times]

Harper, head of African Union, to talk Mali crisis [CP]


Two arrested in Keystone XL protest [Houston Chronicle]

Activists storm TransCanada headquarters [Daily Caller]

Year ahead for Keystone: big unknown []

Exit of EPA boss a protest [NY Post]

Lisa Jackson quit EPA over Keystone: NYP [CP]


LINKS Dec. 13, 2012


Susan Rice pulls out, won’t replace Hillary Clinton []


Canada, US ink deal to share information on third-country nationals [iPolitics]

Name tags don’t endanger border officers, gov’t says [QMI]

Manitoba border agents off job over name-tag policy [CBC]

Alleged plot to kill Justin Bieber derailed by trip to Canadian border: police [CP]


U.S. retail sales inch up on cars, electronics [Washington Post]

Obama, Boehner to meet Thurs on fiscal cliff  [Washington Post]

 Canada rejects strong labour rights chapter in TPP []


Ottawa officially scraps F-35 purchase [Globe and Mail]

Rae says “reset” of F-35 process not enough [CTV]

Russian envoy says Syrian leader is losing control [NY Times]

Would a Sec of Defense Hagel oppose war with Iran? [Foreign Policy]


 5 major issues that Keystone XL review must include [Huffington Post]

Texas judge dissolves restraining order on Keystone XL []

Forget Canada’s oil sands, turn to Bakken [Globe and Mail]



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  • News release: United States and Canada sign amended Great Lakes Water Quality Agreement
  • News release: Harper Government moves forward on tough rules for coal-fired electricity sector

Luiza’s Blog Archives

Get to Know… Scotty Greenwood

April 1, 2011

Maryscott “Scotty” Greenwood is a former Chief of Staff at the U.S. Embassy in Ottawa.

She works in McKenna Long & Aldridge’s Washington, DC office as a senior managing director on the International Trade and Public Affairs Teams. She is also a Senior Advisor to the Canadian-American Business Council and a frequent commentator on US/Canadian relations.

You can contact Scotty Greenwood through McKenna Long.

What do you actually do in your job? I help companies cope with governments and help governments understand what the private sector really wants.

What is the hardest thing about your job? Not enough hours in the day.

What do you most enjoy about it? Really interesting clients with “bet the company” challenges.

Where were you born and raised? Born in Camp LeJune, NC (semper fi – to all you Marines out there), raised in Arlington, Virginia.

What did you study? I studied skiing, beer drinking and political science in college.

What was your first job and what path led you to your work today? First job out of college was interning for CEO of ‘88 Democratic National Convention in Atlanta.  First job before that was mucking stalls at a riding stables (same skill set for both jobs).

What is the best advice you received in the course of your career? Three things:  (1) Never decline to do a favor for someone’s kid or parent;  (2) Never write anything down that you don’t want on the front page of the Washington Post where your mother can read it;  (3)  What goes around comes around – so be good to people – especially when there is nothing in it for you.

Looking back, what are you most proud of? In life I am most proud of my three awesome kids and remarkable husband.  As for work, I think the coolest thing was playing a small role in helping elect the 42nd President of the United States (in 1992 I was executive director of the Democratic Party of Georgia).

When and how do you start your day? Way too early – wake up call at 4:30 am for my swimmer daughter, followed by large amounts of coffee and NYT, Ipolitics and MorningScore

Blogs or websites you find interesting or useful: anything by chris brogan, also political bulletin and e &e news.

Where are you most likely to be found when you’re not working? hanging over the edge of a pool with a stop watch in hand

If you had an alternative career, what would it be? Olympic equestrian, national geographic videographer or Lady Gaga.

Favorite sports team? Besides whatever team my kids are on at any given time, I cheer for the DC teams – Nationals, Caps, Skins.  I also love anyone who plays against the Yankees.

Who is your hero or heroine? I look up to people who are graceful under pressure.  Some people you have never heard from Georgia politics like Valeria MacPhail who worked for Senator Sam Nunn and the great Mary Rose Taylor who single handedly brought the Margaret Mitchell House to life.  I also admire great American artists like Joel Shapiro, Ellsworth Kelly and a lesser known one – Kelly Wilkinson.

Drink of choice? Unsweet ice tea. Every day. All day.  Iced Green Tea even better.

Hobbies? Here comes the Vermont motif – skiing at Jay Peak, summers at Lake Memphramegog, hanging out with Howard Dean, and checking out every new flavor of Ben & Jerry’s …

What is one worthwhile book you read in the past year? Here are two – StartUp Nation by Saul Singer (a gift of AIPAC in advance of our trip to Israel) Obama’s Wars by Bob Woodward (in conjunction with Canadian American Business Council’s event with him in Vancouver)

What is one thing you’d like to learn more about? How it is that Jon Stewart is now the single most influential political commentator alive today (not that that’s a bad thing).

What is your favorite place in Canada and your favorite place in the US? Really tough call.  I’ll go with St Johns Newfoundland (in the summer when the ice bergs are floating by), and Santa Barbara, California (in the winter)

What is one thing you’d like to tell Canadians about the U.S., and/or one thing you’d tell Americans about Canada? Dear Canada – congrats on the Olympic hockey gold. I was at that game and even though I didn’t cheer for you … it was a great game.  Dear US – you better beat Canada next time!


Also Get to Know… David Archibald, Susan Casey-Lefkowitz, Connect2Canada, Perrin Beatty, David Biette, John ParisellaSheldon AlbertsDanielle DroitschLee-Anne GoodmanDavid Wilkins, Christy Cox, Chris Sands, Birgit Matthiesen,  Scotty Greenwood, Luiza Ch. Savage


You can follow me on Twitter under luizachsavage